Danica arrived!!! A few days after little miss Danica came home I headed over to do her newborn photos. Tip for parents, when the photographer says to keep the house warm for newborn photos, we mean like summer time warm… not slightly uncomfortable, not man it’s warm in here… think, tropical island! Be ready to wear shorts and a tank top in your own home and still sweat, kinda warm! Why you ask???
Even though I love Liz, dearly. (As professed in my her Maternity post) She still didn’t heed my warning about the temperature of the house. See babies don’t like to be cold. They just left a 100 degree environment, spend all their time wrapped up like snug little bugs in rugs! They like being warm… so when you strip them of said clothing and warmth they tend to be a little fussy. After about an hour into the session I asked again to please raise the home temperature to 85. As much as it pains myself and the parents to be so incredibly hot, babies tend to sleep better in the heat, at least when they are naked….